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Actual First Time Stories

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Actual First Time Stories

Perhaps this thread would enlive this BB.

Since I grew up as a naturist -- I do not have a first time story but I can relate a story of one of my neighbors when I was 12. Some brief background.

We lived in a distant suburb of Milwaukee, in an old farm house (AKA hobby farm), we had space which Dad and my Uncle were always improving the buildings and yard. Mom, who would become a lawyer, tutored students in Latin, Classic Greek, and Hebrew. This story is about Josh G, one of mom's students.

The family attended Catholic schools and we got home at about 1530 each day. We were allowed to play in the yard and do our outside chores (clothed). Dad came home about 1800 and at 1830 we all had to go indoors for homework, dinner, laundry, baths, and chores which we all did in the nude. Remember there are11 in my family.

Josh was Mom's Tuesday and Thursday Latin and Greek student, who was quite smart and cute in an odd sort of way. He was like 13 and as a typical male of that age was interested only in breasts. Well Erin, my 16 year sister, whom Josh only saw in her Catholic school plaid skirt & vest was the apple of his eye. Being 16, she did not even know that he existed. Josh's lessions were typically from 1615 to 1715 but he stay around until his folks picked him up usually by 1730-1745, but before Dad got home.

One Thursday in May, it was pouring rain, so play outdoors was out. Josh was with Mom in the "study room". My sisters and I got an early start on homework and laundry. Erin went to our room to read something, I think Bronte was then the rage
She naturally disrobed and was reading on her bed.

Josh was with Mom, a phone call came from Josh's mother who told Mom that she would be late due to the storm. So far all well and good. His lesson ended and none of the girls knows that Josh is still on the first floor. My two brothers are playing with some trucks or an old building set. Dad came home and his booming military voice was soon heard by all and dinner was to be prepared.

Erin came down to set the dinner table. Low and behold while she was expecting to find Patrick and Brian in the dinning room, there sat Josh doing some algebra. Erin came in followed by me (both of us were of course nude), to this day I saw how Josh's eyes totally by passed me and focus like lasers on Erin's chest. [Note, none of us girls are "large" say 34-36 B and C but not large by today's jerk standards.

"Erin, do you know that your naked?", he said with a gotcha smirk.
"What are you doing here? Oh, I see baby algebra!" Erin made a quick look at Josh's paper. Josh is either not hearing her or fixed on other matters. Erin is still the object of Josh's focused stare. Immediately, she tells him that three of his problems were wrong.

She then spoke to him in Latin, telling him to look at her face. He is now quite red and he just does not understand why she is just standing there and I have gone into the kitchen to get the table cloth and dishes. [Dinners in our house were always formal, nude yes, but a formal sit down dinner. Each of us brought a towel for the chair. There was a cloth table napkin for our laps. Dinner alway had family discussion.]

Josh's eyes now went to his paper, for he was "always perfect" in math. Where do boys learn that they cannot make mistakes and having a woman/girl correct them is (.... fill in the word) to their manhood?. He started to defend his answers but Erin told him that now 5 problems were wrong mostly due to carelessness with the sign. She told him to rework #7. And she talked him through the process and did a valley girl act at the step when the sign was flip --- " its totally negative for sure, as if.."

Josh's mother's car arrived and Mom came up from the "study" to take Josh to his ride. By this time, Josh sees that I am nude, mom is dressed, he tells her that neither Erin or I have clothes on. Mom replied, "Oh, my Josh, you are correct, I'll need to talk to them but after you go home. Mom opened an umbrella and walked him to his mother's van. Mom told us that she asked Josh not to tell anyone what he saw, for after all who would believe him if he tried to boast that he saw two nude Catholic girls setting a table or having his homework corrected by a nude 16 year old girl.

We all had a good laugh over that at dinner. Dad wanted to know why we did not just go back to our room. Erin reply, "And what let him think he could snicker at us? We were not embarassed, he was. We were in our homes doing what was normal for us.
We all had versions of the script of what Josh would tell the next day at his Jewish school. But it was years before we actually found out.

Josh did try to tell his friends that he saw Erin naked. (Moshe, perhaps Josh's best friend at that time, related what was said about us by Josh at the time. He told me that I was never mentioned in Josh's tale.), Moshe, told Erin and I that none of his cassmates believed him --- Yes, they all knew he came for classes at our house, but none of his friends could believe that Catholic girls were ever nude. They had a whole mythology about us.

Katherine, the oldest, told us that Dad had spoken to all the neighbors that his daughters did not date non-Catholics and due to our house was not Kosher, it would be better that they did not mix with us. This segregation was well accepted by most of our neighbors. Dad did a lot of mechanical things for our neighbors, who did not fix things on Saturday.

Years later, Erin and I ran into Josh at some social function. He did not recognize me, but he did Erin --- Erin tease him about math and I embarassed him by asking him how he knew that both Erin and I were natural redheads? His face became as red as Erin's tresses. Erin teased him that she did not think he look any lower than her nipples. (I knew he never looked at me until he left with Mom) We still see each other off and on. He once asked me out but the two of us invited him to dinner at our apartment, but he would have to dress properly. He came to dinner with flowers, wine and wearing a suit and tie which upon see us was immediately requested to remove for we told him the in our homes we always eat in the nude. The salmon came out well and we had an enjoyable evening. We told Josh, when in Rome.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: My first time as a nudist.

This is realy what started it all for me. My husband farmed and he was leaving early one morning with his workers to go pick up some equipment he had bought at a auction. he was surpose to be gone all day, so I was going to be all alone on the farm by myself for the entire day. I had it all planed out, I had gotten my nerve up to walk naked down behind the house, around the field, and go skinny dipping in the creek. So here I go naked and free out of the house, across the back yard, and down side the barn. hen I cam around the corner of the barn I was startled by voices. I`ll explan latter, but there were the workers, 5 hispanic guys that were surpose to be with my husband. I quikly jumped into a tralier with high sides to hide from them. Once again to my surprise they loaded up into the truck which had the tralier hooked to it, and here I go. It happened to fast to be scared, but I knew I had problems. Finially we stoped, the workers got out and heaed out into the field. Once I knew they were out of sight, I sliped out and begain walking home. I knew where I was, in a neboughs field that we rented so I had to walk for about a half mile to get back home. Once I got past the paved road, and a friends house, I entered the woods, and walked naked all the way home. this my not sound to exciting, but you just try it. I enjoyed the walk in the woods so much having thought about it, that it became a very day pleasure for me. Just by myself, nude and natural enjoying nature at it`s best.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I can't really remember my first time -- first time going nude? First time being seen nude? First time at a nude beach? First time at a nudist resort? I don't even know. I just know that my body has always disliked clothes, that I first started taking them off when I was still a child and would go downstars to play (finished basement with a playroom), but always felt that my family would disapprove, so I never told anyone. Growing up was the best thing -- I was free to go away from the house and find places to be nude besides that chilly basement. Matt Groening is right, "Childhood Is Hell" -- but at least a nude child is more likely to be tolerated, seen as innocent, where a nude adult is assumed to have "indecent" intentions.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I used to wander round the woods behind our house in the nude which I loved and since it was remote I was never disturbed. I used to lie in the sun trying to even up my tan!

A couple of years ago I went to a nude resort in the canaries, arriving late at night when it was all dark and closed up. I went in to my little ground floor apartment which faced the beach, had a cup of tea and went to bed. the following morning I reversed the process and made a cup of tea, and opened the door to see the sun rising over the sea and a couple of naked people walking past. I hastily stepped back into the doorway, a little surprised and embarrassed if I'm honest. A couple of minutes later they came back with the morning paper tucked under their arms and still chatting.

I realised that I had chosen to come to the resort for exactly that reason so made yet another cup of tea and stepped right out to look around. Absolutely fantastic and I had a marvellous fortnight. I would move and live there if I could

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